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Day 1 - Train The Trainer
Monday - October 28, 2024
8:00 AM
Registration Begins
8:45 AM
Welcome to Atlanta:
Chief Equity Officer, City of Atlanta

Candace M Stanciel
Chief Equity Officer of Atlanta

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
All Day Class ISO-30415:DISM
Certification Programs

6 Hour in-Person Certification led by the DISM Forum Trainers. This is a condensed version of the 4-week asynchronous training from the DREAM TEAM across N. America, France, & S. America

Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo
Board Canadian SCC & ISO
Linda Espinosa Valencia
Board Canadian SCC & ISO

Maelle Beltas
AFNOR ISO-30415 Trainer

Zimkhitha Gova
Chair of DEI&B South Africa
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
How To Consult with ISO-30415:DISM
Closed to DIPs Only (Separate Sign-up)
Learn how to use the ISO standard and D&I Service Management™ to sell your clients on a billable-hour basis. With or without tech, learn to walk your clients through all 32 Domains for a fee and keep them learning from you.
" I'll show you how to make $100,000 in billable hours." - JFK

James Felton Keith
CEO at InclusionScore Companies
4:00 PM
Welcome To Atlanta1
Cocktails & Panel
Welcome to Atlanta:
Chief Equity Officer, City of Atlanta
Fireside Chat:
Attorney Mahir S. Nisar makes sense of laws that manage people risk as he'll tell us about both, the rise in Employment Law grievances, and how his New York practice are at the forefront of incentivizing a more inclusive national economy.
Nisar will be in a fireside chat with Author, Carla Moultrie. She's a sister, wife, mother, professional, encourager, autism advocate, and an ISO-30415 DIP. She is Contract Management professional with over 15 years of experience and currently works at General Electric.
Hear her powerful story about being the Mother of a "Ausome Girl" and how it impacted her previous work life's Employment Practices Liability.

Ama Agyapong
Founder, Inclusion Enterprises
EEOC Auditor

Mahir S. Nisar, Esq
Principal, Nisar Law Group
National Employment Lawyers Association

Carla Moultrie
Mother, Author, DIP
Contract Manager at General Electric

Day 2 - Map The Standard
Tuesdays - October 29, 2024
8:00 AM
Registration Opens
Day 2 is a series of caucuses across the 32 Domains, the 27 Diversity Types, and the 4 Service Types of DEI&B and gaining consensus on the mapping of the standard. This Forum is unlike any other in existence today.
9:00 AM
MAPPING - Professional Societies

Facilitated by The Principal Investigators of the U.S.A. National Science Foundation grant is facilitating an integration of the ISO-30415 Standard with Engineering Professional Societies, namely ASEE, ASCE, ASME. We will demonstrate how this can be duplicated in any Professional Society and caucus to critique both the method and the impact of standardization for consensus from the audience.

Brian Burt, PhD
Director Wisconsin’s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory
Gretal Leibnitz, PhD
Principal Investigator
REVIIS Project

Jan Peters, PhD
Principal Investigator
REVIIS Project

Jacqueline El Sayed, PhD
CEO, American Society of Engineering Education

Lisa Black, PhD
Head of DEI, American Society of Civil Engineers
The ISO Standard is subject to a lot of gatekeeping. It is our objective to democratize access to participate in the consensus of organizational inclusion. This is the caucus.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
MAPPING - 4 Service Types
Arguably the greatest innovation of ISO-30415:DISM is that it has "productized" the 4 types of projects that are delivered to organizations in an Ad Hoc way. This productization allows us to systematically streamline how D&I is distributed to organizational parts in need. It allows us to look at how the volume, velocity, and variety of D&I services.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
MAPPING - 27 Diversity Types
How many types of diversity do you think that you see in society, or in your workplace? We need to vet and gain consensus on the "protected classes" of people so that we can examine which groups need to the 4 Service Types to mitigate the risk of misunderstanding.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
MAPPING - 32 Domains of D&I
The 32 Domains are the functions of any complex organization and can be reduced to accomodate less complex organizations, but the ways in which the Types of Diverse peoples may be engaged by the Service Types is specific to any or all of these 32 Domains. We will discuss and familiarize ourselves with them.

Effenus Henderson
Lead Convener for ISO-30415
From the original facilitator of the ISO-30415 working group, learn how to design implement and leverage Employee Resource Groups for the long-term growth and accountability of any organization type.
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
MAPPING - Chief Inclusion Officer

Talking to industry leader about the implementation of D&I principles with the ISO-30415 Standard in mind and the implications of the caucuses.

Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk
Global Head of BIDE&A
Krispy Kreme
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
MAPPING - An Industry
This is a demonstration for all industries based on 1 industry.
This roundtable includes 120 current participants.
We're often at industry events regarding DEI&B and the participants leave the event with more questions than answers. They also help each other with makeshift groups of regional meetings that help non-professional yet passionate practitioners of DEI&B to build infrastructure within their companies. In this workshop we will demonstrate how an industry should be mapped so that we can deliver vetted and professional DEI&B resources to it.
Organizations participating in the roundtable:
The Big IIndependent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA)
United Insurance Networks (UiN)
-Asian American Insurance Network (AAIN)
-National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) Chicago
-Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA)
-LGBTQ+ Insurance Network (LINK)
-Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) Chicago


Elisa Stampf
CEO & Co-Founder
Insure Equality

Paul Young
VP of M&A
Biltmore Insurance Services

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
MAPPING - Our Own Industry
In an open source format, we will expand on various cataloges of the companies that make up the "DEI&B Industry" across the 4 Service Types: Training, Data Extraction, Internal Infrastructure, & External Infrastructure. Who is doing what? We want your input!
In collaboration with the
Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference.


Paolo Gaudiano (he/him)
Chief Scientist, ARC, Aleria, QSDI
Adj. Professor, New York University

7:00 PM
All Play - No Work!

Day 3 - D&I Research Conf
Wednesday - October 30, 2024
8:00 AM
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
MAPPING Bias - workshop
What Other Keep Erasing = W.O.K.E.
Let's talk about the messages in your head and
how bias is an identity that we can map.

Dawn Bennett-Alexander
Professor Emeritus & Author
Employment Law Text Book
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Navigating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:
Insights from the Heart of Latin America
Join Ana Lucía Mosquera Rosado for an engaging discussion as we delve into the dynamic landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the context of Peru and Latin America (LATAM) to discuss the unique challenges and triumphs that characterize this region's journey towards fostering inclusivity and equality.
Followed by a panel discussion on the implementation of ISO-30415:DISM standardization in Peru and broader LATAM.

Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo
Board Canadian SCC & ISO
Linda Espinosa Valencia
Board Canadian SCC & ISO

Ana Lucía Mosquera Rosado
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Juana Mollo
Socia Líder de Human Capital,

12:00 pM - 5:00 pM
Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference at DISM
Lead by:
Paolo Gaudiano (he/him)
Chief Scientist, ARC, Aleria, QSDI
Adj. Professor, New York University

Building on the success of prior DIRC events, DIRC24 will include a mix of TED-style talks, disruptive conversations, multidisciplinary panels and lightning presentations. The goal of DIRC is to foster increased collaboration between Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) leders across all sectors.
This year's focus will be on the anti-DEI backlash.
With the US presidential election around the corner, it is imperative that we find solutions that address the mounting criticism. But our conversations cannot be limited to looking for flaws in the arguments of DEI detractors: we also need candid reflections on what the field of DEI has done wrong, so that we can learn from our mistakes and do better in the future.
List of confirmed presenters (more pending!)
12:00-12:15 Opening remarks
12:15-12:55 Quantifying the experiences of women of color in leadership
Farah Hussain (She/Her), Founder & Executive Coach, Coaching with Farah
Brandice Pierre (She/Her), Non-Profit Executive Director
12:55-1:40 Should DEI practitioners be familiar with data and research?
Julye Williams (She/Her), Founder, The Project 2043 Institute
Jennifer Payne (She/Her), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Lead, TBWA\Chiat\Day
Leslie Short (She/Her), Founder, The Cavu Group
Mike Sebring (He/Him), Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Citizens
1:40-2:00 The Disability Equality Index
Reid Jewett Smith (She/Her), Director of Research & Policy, Disability:IN
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:00 Practical ramifications of the elimination of Affirmative Action
Cynthia Overton (She/Her), Director of Tech Workplace Initiatives, Kapor Center
Monroe France (He/Him), Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence, Tufts University
Stephen Chu (He/Him), Chief Legal and Administrative Officer, InStride
3:00-3:30 Diversity for what? Exploring rationales for hiring a diverse faculty
Azim Shariff (He/Him), Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair, University of British Columbia
3:30-4:10 Calculating the financial impact of DEI
Solange Charas (She/Her), Founder and CEO, HCMoneyball
Jaylen Spann (She/Her), Head of Research & Business Development, Whistle Stop Capital
4:10-4:25 Break
4:25-5:05 Measuring inclusion for the cybersecurity sector
Mary Jane Suarez Partain (She/Her), Program Director, Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS)
Paolo Gaudiano (He/Him), Founder and Chief Scientist, Aleria
5:05-5:25 The job quality impact explorer for frontline workers in retail
Chibin Zhang (She/Her), Lead Data Scientist, Aleria
5:25-5:45 The experiences of women of color in STEM
Janine Lee (She/Her), Founder and CEO, Dr. Janine Lee Consulting
5:45-6:00 Closing remarks
Stay tuned for a few more presenters who will join us on Oct 30!

Azim Shariff
Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair,
University of British Columbia

Reid Jewett Smith
Director of Research & Policy, Disability:IN

Solange Charas, Ph.D.
Columbia University/HCMoneyball

Stephen Chu
InStride, Chief Legal and Administrative Officer

Brandice Pierre
Regional Exec Director, Susan G. Komen

Farah Hussain
Executive Coach, Coaching with Farah

Leslie Short
Founder, The Cavu Group

Monroe France
Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence, Tufts University