Join us in congratulating the first cohort of all South African ISO-30415 D&I Professionals.

These 17 trailblazers are the building blocks of corporate change management. We'll be posting some of them that are on social media via our LinkedIn. Now that we are opening cohorts in four new markets we will scale the concentration of professional's implementation of the ISO standard across their business sectors via the D&I Service Management Forum.

The standardization & professionalization of inclusion has been firmly cemented, globally.

This week, James Felton Keith was in France's second largest and culturally diverse city Marseille hosted by the French Foreign Direct Investment office after receiving their Founders 100 award. This trip was designed to establish a corporate and government pipeline to certify more French-speaking professionals in ISO-30415 D&I Service Management. Our 2024 commencement will help both multinational and local companies in our global effort to scale economic inclusion in the face of climate and other migration.
JFK's speech ended on the quote.
This is bigger than my company, this is about showing the world that the Western model of inclusive capitalism can absorb any changing population and that our model of economic inclusion is the most dynamic in history.
JFK and our colleague Maelle Belta were able to meet with the Consul General of the United States of America in Marseille Jessica Huracayo about the use of ISO-30415 in corporate diplomacy for both multinational and local companies.
