Building Blocks
Before the Inclusion Score Offering (ISO)
150 Participants
join the SHRM
In 2010 The (SHRM) Society for Human Resource Management was the only organization licensed by the (ANSI) American National Standards Institute certified standards. They were joined by 150 individual and institutional participants to start drafting a standard for Diversity & Inclusion or what became Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging.
Societyof Human Resource Management
American National Standards Institute
All Standards
Shift to ASTM
In 2010 The (SHRM) Society for Human Resource Management shifted its emphasis on standards and transitioning all its standards work to (ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials.
Their volunteer members represent producers, users, consumers, government, and academia from more than 140 countries and they develop technical documents that are the basis of manufacturing, management, procurement, codes and regulations for dozens of industry sectors.
Plenary Meeting in Singapore w/ ISO
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental membership organization and the world’s largest developer of voluntary standards.
ISO is made up of representatives from 162 member countries who are the national standards bodies around the world, with a Central Secretariat that is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
American Societyfor Testingand Measurement (ASTM)
The British Standards Institution created the BS 76005:2017 standard titled - Valuing people through diversity and inclusion. Code of practice for organizations - This code was explicitly designed for organizations aspiring to develop a diversity & inclusion strategy or to stretch and embed their current strategy
The objective was and remains to turn the genre of Inclusion practices into a normalized change management operation, so to be executed along side other practices like cyber & accounting.
Plenary Meeting in Singapore w/ ISO
Consensus Took years!!!
International Organization ForStandards (ISO)
2021 Is About streamlining And
standardizing industry
In order to automate an "inclusion score" we have designed an Inclusion Maturity Model Integration™ ten (10) relational artificial intelligence (AI) models that allow us to help organizations understand their progress in building corporate infrastructure for inclusion, and connect to parametric insurance where an executive deems it necessary start viewing lack-of-inclusivity as a financial risk.
Diversity is a reality.
Equity is a choice.
Inclusion is an act.
Belonging is a result.