Our team will lead your process. Effenus Henderson was the lead convener of the ISO-30415 Standard and Karen Prater Jasmine has audited & trained more companies than anyone on the planet.

What does success look like
Every journey towards ISO certification starts with a single question “What does success look like?” Whatever the ISO standard our starting point is your business, what it wants to achieve, and how it defines success...
Once success is defined, we can ensure that our ISO-backed business solution delivers on your success criteria. We examine and deploy D&I as Service Management (DISM) using our patented Software as a Service and world-class certified consultants.


Produce your organization’s ISO manual using IS

Having defined success and key activities, the next step towards ISO certification is to document the systems and procedures that deliver these. The IS Assessor will examine your organization’s existing procedures and identify where they conform to the ISO standard.
After the initial assessment, they will help you to pull together a manual relevant to the ISO standard you are working towards. This manual sets out how your business should operate going forward so that it can deliver the ISO standard.
Achieve Maturity in at least
2 iso Domains 2x with a DIP
For organizations the manual is an important step, but even more important is ensuring its use is embedded throughout the organization, led by the senior management team.
Depending on your needs, IS can develop and deliver tailored training programmes for your staff. Training ensures there is a full understanding and implementation of the ISO standards applied consistently across the organization so that
ISO certification is not a one off event, but rather a process that transforms your business today.
Organizations must achieve 2 levels of maturity in at least 2 of the 32 Domains to show a pattern of enhanced maturity over time.
Organizations must also certify an individual DIP (D&I Professional) per 1000 employees to "own" the organization's manual.

Submission to a third party D&I Pro external auditing

With key processes in place and staff trained to consistently follow these, the next step is external audit.
Your organization will be submitted to the third party certifying body that the ISO assessor believes is the most suitable for your company. Audit is an objective view on whether your
business is conforming to the ISO standard – IS will support and guide your business throughout the above stages and leading up to the audit so that your successful ISO certification is assured.
Your organization Gets awarded Certification in the ISO

Once confirmed as being ISO standard compliant, your organization will then be presented with the ISO certificate, per the organizational department or sub-org.
You can then promote that you have gained international recognition to your target market at your discretion.
In larger organizations, it is customary to create a certification benchmark at a particular P&L or functional portion of the organization, and scale that infrastructure throughout the broader organization.
Conglomerates, multinationals, and governments usually certify their organizations in segments over time.

Stop creating ad hoc projects without intentional maturity by design.
A bad process will always
beat a good person...