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Become an expert assessor with the Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging (D&I) Service Management (DISM) framework. D&I is so much more than human resources, or diversity quotas, or employee resource groups. It's a standard part of every organization's process change management workflow. It's risk management. It's internal regulation and enforcement. Train by referencing the mind of the experts who contributed to the international ISO-30415 standard and deliver D&I in the same method as a qualified D&I Professional (DIP), using the Inclusion Maturity Model Integration (IMMI), and grow your ability to audit all parts of a firm's D&I efforts. Professionals and organizations should understand that D&I is a service offering to be administered like any other service.
Somos el proveedor líder de D&I Tech con servicios en el planeta, con la mayor cantidad de empresas comprometidas y capacitadas. Obtenemos ≥ 3000 fuentes de datos externas para análisis sin precedentes para combinar con su proceso interno de D&I. Contratamos a ≥ 160 empresas de D&I Tech y ≥ 2000 consultores de D&I para diversificar su ejecución de servicios.

Aprenda a aprovechar D&I como una parte continua de su ciclo de vida de gestión del cambio. Ofrezca D&I como un conjunto de servicios en toda su organización para incentivar el crecimiento financiero y una mayor competitividad en el mercado.

Consultamos en las diez categorías operativas de su organización y cómo podrían transformarse a través de métodos de diversidad, equidad, inclusión y pertenencia (D&I).

honoured to have journeyed with you all... I've become a stronger practitioner because I believe there is always more to learn... We heard from some great inspiring speakers in the workshops, thank you 😊
Sharon Woma

National Health Service

Honored to have been a part of such an illustrious program that plays an intricate role in preparing dynamic change agents.
Lois Chenier

I am celebrating a personal/professional achievement! I am proud that I have been awarded The Diversity & Inclusion Professional Certificate in the #ISO30415 D&I Global Standard
Bylone van Sandwyk

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