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The world's
on DEI&B

The leaders of the leaders that wrote the standard of standards.

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As Seen In:

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inclusion   diversity

inclusion score logo greater than equal

Inclusion Score (IS) is rooted in the ideals of Inclusionism. We hold the simple mission to standardize & incentivize corporate inclusion, with a vision of a time where corporate cultures consider a lack-of-inclusion as a risk. Our team of international relations & risk management pros are focused on demonstrating that inclusion ≥ diversity.

Clients of all sizes asked us a simple question: Where do I start with D&I

Inclusion Score (IS) was developed at Keith Institute in tandem with the development of the International Standards Organization (ISO) standard for Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging in 2018. Our founder, James Felton Keith designed early versions of IS while traveling to explore corporate change management strategies for inclusion at the American Institute of Architect's Large Firm Roundtable with then Executive Director of the National Organization for Minority Architects, Karen Prater Jasmine. Keith Institute is focused on the ethics of personal-data collection in international relations and corporate governance. They've deployed a foundational Inclusion Maturity Model Integration™ in order to derive inclusion scores for institutions that have the desire to deploy inclusivity as a regular part of change management processes across their entire supply-chain of partner corporations.


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James Felton Keith

Engineer & CEO | Founder

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Andy Tarradath

Non-Executive Director

Equities Trader | Advertising Vet

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Karen Prater Jasmine

Director, Chief Data Officer

Former Trade Association Exec

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effenus henderson

Effenus Henderson

World's #1 D&I Advisor 

Global Lead ISO-30415 Convener

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Kharena Keith Coleman

Director, COO

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Bryan Lewis

Director, CTO

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Peter Willumsen

Head of Government Relations

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President of Employment Law

Co-Author Employment Law Textbook.

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Risk Management

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Mark Walker

Non-Executive Director

20 Year Big InsurTech Sales

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Victoria Learned-Fenty

Senior Underwriter at firms like, Chubb, Selective, B&W Insurance

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Bennie Jones

CEO, Risk Management Solutions of America. D&I Chair, IIABA

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Global Certification & DISMForum Partners


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Maelle Beltas

Certified ISO-30415 DIP

Co-Founder, REFORM

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S. African

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Zimkhitha Guma

Certified ISO-30415 DIP

Principal, DEI&

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Linda Espinosa Valencia

Certified ISO-30415 DIP

Co-Founder, Venture Collective

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Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo

Certified ISO-30415 DIP

Co-Founder, Venture Collective

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inclusionism is leadership

Our founding team built a product for a market that hardly existed, so to incentivize inclusion in the 21st Century.

Global Certified DIP

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