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The Diversity & Inclusion Service Management Forum is the independent peer reviewed body of subject matter experts in the standards of diversity equity inclusion & belonging (D&I).
The advisory board is made of of authors, academics, practitioners, regulators and standards writers from across the globe who are invested in the professionalization of D&I as an industry. The DISM Forum was quickly formed in May of 2021 after the publication of ISO-30415:2021 in order to produce a D&I book of knowledge (DIBoK) for training and certification courses starting in North America, most notably under the advisement of Dawn Bennett-Alexander, Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business.

The DISM Forum was initially started in 2021 because of the inherent protectionism and exclusion designed into the majority certifying bodies across the globe. As we tried to streamline and industrialize inclusivity across 20 different nations, we experienced pushback, conflicts of interest, and abject discrimination. Per that experience, we democratized the writing of all standards by building a coalition of standards experts that dwarfed every regulatory known regulatory body. As we disagree and refine the standard of standards, we have become the people powered standard that is necessary to professionally integrate our organized societies.
Diversity & Inclusion
Service ManagementForum
Mapping & Defining DEI&B
October 28 - 30, 2024

Univ of Georgia's Terry College
3475 Lenox Road Northeast Atlanta, GA, USA

Full Schedule
Coming Soon...
Day 1
Train The Trainer
With ≥ 300 D&I Professionals in attendance, learn what they know or get certified!

Day 3
Implementation Panels
Panels on panels on panels of how-to and what-to-do-next

Day 2
Edit The Standard
Make this yours. Click here to edit the text and include any relevant information.

Day V
Virtual Attendees
We realize that everyone can't make it to ATL, so we will broadcast some sessions, but not all.

Back At Last Year
November Pre-Forum
Below are some video recaps from the open sessions of the November 2023 Pre-Forum for D&I Pros.
Track 1
32 Domains
Changes to ISO-30415
DIP Exclusive Talks
BoK (Book of Knowledge)
Global Training Exchange
Track 2
27 Types
Chambers of Commerce
Trade Associations
Subject Matter Experts
Drawing The Lines (Laws)
Track 3
4 Services
Data Collection Tech
External Alliances
Track 4
Industry Roundtables
Company Practices
Documentation Examples
Welcome: Karen Prater Jasmine

As the original D&I Professional™ (DIP), Karen Prater Jasmine welcomes all of the DIPs to this pre-forum and will lead the day's panels as we try and understand how to better serve the growing community of DIPs.
Opening Keynote: Effenus Henderson

We'll start with the convener of the architecture, Effenus Henderson. He'll consider the push-back on DEI&B initiatives globally as a rise in conservatism has tried to erase the progress made by our corporate world. If you've been reading his most recent essays, you know that there are both standardization opportunities and risks to doing nothing.
Effenus Henderson
Global Certification Programs

To date, there are ISO-30415 D&I Professionals™ (DIPs) from 25 countries that we are aware of, and in 2023 we have started to see the certification programs grow through that network. Meet five (5) of the DIPs who are building certification programs specific to their countries of practice.

[Canada] Linda Espinosa Valencia
[Canada] Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo
[South Africa] Zimkhitha Gova
[France] Maelle Beltas
[India] Indranil Sen

USA National Science Foundation (NSF)
REVIIS Grant for Standardization
We will introduce the latest effort to standardize and interpret the ISO-30415 standard at the national level, with a presentation of the USA's National Science Foundation's REVIIS Grant to a team of academics led by DIPs to introduce D&I standardization to the STEM (science technology engineering and math) professional societies.
Gretal Leibnitz, Ph.D.
Jan Peters, Ph.D.

Closing: How To Sell D&I Services

Join this session to learn how to use the ISO standard and D&I Service Management ™ to sell your clients on a billable-hour basis. With or without tech, learn to walk your clients through all 32 Domains for a fee and keep them learning from you.
James Felton Keith
Diversity & Inclusion Service Management Forum™
a U.S.A. based non-profit initiative supported by Keith Institute & Inclusion Score Incorporated
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